.. _Table-Of-Content-GPU: *gpu* 模块. 使用GPU加速的计算机视觉 --------------------------------------------- Squeeze out every little computation power from your system by using the power of your video card to run the OpenCV algorithms. .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst + .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =============== ====================================================== |hVideoWrite| *Title:* :ref:`gpuBasicsSimilarity` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_BernatG| This will give a good grasp on how to approach coding on the GPU module, once you already know how to handle the other modules. As a test case it will port the similarity methods from the tutorial :ref:`videoInputPSNRMSSIM` to the GPU. =============== ====================================================== .. |hVideoWrite| image:: images/gpu-basics-similarity.png :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. raw:: latex \pagebreak .. toctree:: :hidden: ../gpu-basics-similarity/gpu-basics-similarity